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Man Made Flooring

About Hardwood Floor Decor and Care


Man Made Flooring

Sometimes the flooring choices available to us in today’s market, can be a bit overwhelming. Not only we have Real Hardwood Flooring in thousands of styles and species to choose from, we also have the man-made flooring that is just as beautiful and as hard to choose as the real kind.

Man-made flooring includes any type of flooring that was created from variety of natural products, but is no longer in the state that is naturally found in nature. There are also wood flooring products that contain combination of natural and man-made elements.

Man-made flooring includes any type of engineered flooring, laminate or laminated flooring, vinyl or resilient flooring, cork flooring, carpet flooring and ceramic tile flooring.

Real Wood Flooring

Man made flooring gives us a greater flexibility on installation options. Real Wood Floor should not be installed in the bathroom or in the in the basement. And yet, you still can have the great look of real hardwood floor in your bathroom, without real wood... Engineered Hardwood Flooring will feel right at home there!

For budget conscious folk, the Laminate or Laminated Flooring will also give the illusion of hardwood flooring, at the fraction of the cost. Of course, it feels different, it sounds different when you walk on it and with closer inspection you can tell it is not real hardwood, but it's quite easy to maintain, and it looks great! And it's man made.

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